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  • Our Dental Clinic: 401 Coral Way #211
  • Call us (786) 655-4331

Dental Health Emergency Dental Care

Emergency Dental Care

Toothache? Broken Tooth? Chipped Tooth?

Let us help you with your dental emergency here in Miami. Call us today at (786) 655-4331 to schedule a dental emergency exam (same day appointment).

Dental emergencies can happen anywhere and at any time. In many cases how you respond to an emergency could have a big impact on your oral health and your smile. We hope you never find yourself in a position where you are dealing with a dental emergency but in case you do, here are some basic guidelines on how to deal with a dental emergency.

First though, we want to make sure that you know that if there are symptoms of a life-threatening emergency it is important to go to an emergency room right away. Such symptoms of a life-threatening emergency could include:

  • Severe Pain
  • Uncontrollable Bleeding
  • Shortness of Breath
  • Dizziness With Chest Pain
  • Loss of Consciousness
Fortunately, in the case of dental emergencies, most of them are not quite that serious, but many still need prompt care. Whether you are dealing with tooth pain, a chipped or a cracked tooth, or maybe even a knocked out tooth here are some guidelines that could help you get the best results when dealing with different dental emergency situations.

How Fast Do I Have To Act To Get The Best Results in Different Dental Emergency Situations?

  • Immediate Action Required - In the case of a knocked out permanent tooth for example minutes count. The tooth should be quickly located, rinsed, and if possible placed back in it's socket. If that is not possible the tooth can be placed in saliva or milk and then you should rush to the dental office or emergency room. The sooner the tooth is reinserted the better the chances of saving it. Baby teeth are not put back in their socket as that could damage the permanent teeth developing beneath the gum.
  • Urgent Care Recommended (Get treatment within 6 hours) - In some emergency dental situations you have a little more time to act. For example, if the tooth is still in the mouth but has been displaces or moved or if it is deeply fractured you have a window of about 6 hours to seek treatment. In these cases it is better to seek treatment at a dental office instead of an emergency room that is because dentists can use a wide range of tools and techniques which may not be available in the emergency room.
  • Can Wait Until Next Day (address dental injury within 12 hours) - Many common dental injuries and emergencies respond well when treatment is given up to 12 hours later. These include chipped tooth, cracked tooth, loose tooth and painful tooth (toothache) to list a few. In these cases there is usually time to make an appointment in the dental office. Chipped and cracked teeth, for example, could be resolved, in many cases, by using cosmetic bonding, which we can do right here at our office. If possible save any pieces of the broken tooth and bring them in when you come to the dentist's office. Loose teeth may not require help right away but will be closely monitored. Severe tooth pain, such as the kind that strikes in the middle of the night could indicate an infected tooth but it could not be determined for sure until an exam is performed.

Miami Emergency Dental Care (same day appointments) available now

If you are experiencing any dental emergency such as cracked tooth, loose tooth, chipped tooth, fallen filling, cracked crown, fallen crown, or severe toothache, give us a call right away at (786) 655-4331. We will do our best to get you in to see the doctor the same day so the doctor can perform the exam and tell you what is going on and what needs to be done. If the necessary treatment cannot be performed right away or at the same day we will at least provide you with comfort care to make sure your mouth is healthy and comfortable until the issue can be completely resolved. It is really important to have an emergency dental exam performed as soon as possible in order to get the best results in dealing with such dental emergencies and prevent un-wanted complication from developing. We will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about emergency dental care and the guidelines provided above, please give us a call at (786) 655-4331. We are here for you and the health of your mouth.